593 research outputs found

    Web 2.0, language resources and standards to automatically build a multilingual named entity lexicon

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    This paper proposes to advance in the current state-of-the-art of automatic Language Resource (LR) building by taking into consideration three elements: (i) the knowledge available in existing LRs, (ii) the vast amount of information available from the collaborative paradigm that has emerged from the Web 2.0 and (iii) the use of standards to improve interoperability. We present a case study in which a set of LRs for different languages (WordNet for English and Spanish and Parole-Simple-Clips for Italian) are extended with Named Entities (NE) by exploiting Wikipedia and the aforementioned LRs. The practical result is a multilingual NE lexicon connected to these LRs and to two ontologies: SUMO and SIMPLE. Furthermore, the paper addresses an important problem which affects the Computational Linguistics area in the present, interoperability, by making use of the ISO LMF standard to encode this lexicon. The different steps of the procedure (mapping, disambiguation, extraction, NE identification and postprocessing) are comprehensively explained and evaluated. The resulting resource contains 974,567, 137,583 and 125,806 NEs for English, Spanish and Italian respectively. Finally, in order to check the usefulness of the constructed resource, we apply it into a state-of-the-art Question Answering system and evaluate its impact; the NE lexicon improves the system’s accuracy by 28.1%. Compared to previous approaches to build NE repositories, the current proposal represents a step forward in terms of automation, language independence, amount of NEs acquired and richness of the information represented

    El estudio de la justicia social en la perspectiva de los partidos políticos en México.

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    En el anexo se muestra un cuadro comparativo de las plataformas electorales de los partidos políticos y el formato de un cuestionario de opinión.El propósito de esta investigación es ahondar en los documentos doctrinarios y las plataformas políticas de tres partidos de estudio: Partido de Acción Nacional, PAN; Partido Revolucionario Institucional, PRI; y Partido de la Revolución Democrática, PRD; a fin de identificar sus tendencias ideológicas. Con base en los documentos se sustraen rubros que encaminan el estudio de la justicia social, se conceptualizan a la luz de tres ideologías que representan cada partido político y se someten a la percepción ciudadana mediante encuestas a fin de identificar la ubicación ideológica con respecto a la identificación partidista de los ciudadanos encuestados, los resultados arrojaron que existe una congruencia entre ambas ideas y mediante este conducto se podrán definir las posturas de cada individuo que encaminen la toma de sus decisiones políticas y posturas frente a temas de agenda nacional como educación, salud, empleo, vivienda, recaudación fiscal, así como reformas sociales, reforma hacendaria, etc. La pregunta de investigación se centra en ¿Cómo perciben los individuos algunos temas relacionados con la calidad y pertinencia de servicios públicos, infiriendo que la apuesta por su calidad y cobertura hacen posible la construcción de la justicia social, a la luz de su identificación partidista? ¿Cómo se da la relación entre la identificación partidista y la auto ubicación ideológica de los encuestados?, ¿Dicha relación influye en la percepción de los individuos sobre los servicios que ofrece el Estado? La importancia de la investigación radica en profundizar algunos elementos con respecto al comportamiento de los individuos identificados ideológicamente con algún partido político y su percepción con respecto a algunos servicios públicos, para acrecentar la brecha de justicia social. El creciente aumento de la pobreza, la disputa permanente por proteger los derechos sociales, económicos, políticos, el aumento de la desigualdad entre países y al interior de estos, es parte del paisaje que viven millones de personas. Bajo esta lógica, parece imprescindible conocer, analizar y construir a la luz de esos fenómenos una de las teorías contemporáneas de la justicia de Rawls, porque ha instalado el concepto de justicia social e influenciado nuevas y viejas reflexiones al respecto, especialmente dentro del marco del Estado Liberal

    Landscape of bricolage: spatial configurations and spatial practices at in-between territories in the Andes

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    El presente estudio indaga en la naturaleza de los paisajes intermedios de la ciudad de Cuenca, en Ecuador. Se trata del paisaje parte urbano y en parte rural que rodea a la ciudad. El trabajo apunta a un objetivo doble que se desarrolla en forma simultánea. Por una parte se trata de cualificar un territorio cuya dualidad como espacio urbano y rural es el origen de su difícil definición, y en consecuencia, de la poca atención que ha recibido tanto en los estudios urbanos como rurales. Por otra parte está la cuestión del “como” abordar, comprender y desdoblar el contenido y significado de las inherentes contradicciones de este territorio, y las lógicas de su desarrollo. La cartografía y el bricolage –como una herramienta conceptual– son empleados para abordar las intrincadas interacciones existentes entre el paisaje, sus actores, sus prácticas y la continua reproducción este paisaje.This paper inquire into the nature of Cuenca’s in-between landscapes –those ‘partly urban-partly rural” spaces next to the city–. The study has a double aim to be developed simultaneously. On one side it is the question of qualifying a territory whose duality as urban and rural, accounts for its indistinctness and the consequent little attention it has received by both urban and rural studies. On the other side is the question of “how” to approach such territory to truly grasp and unfold the meaning of its inherent contradictions, and the logics of its development. Spatial mapping and bricolage –as a conceptual tool–I are used to engage the intricate interactions between the landscape, its actors and their ways of producing this landscape

    Ni de Aqui Ni de Alla

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    Adenoviral delivery of angiotensin-(1-7) or angiotensin-(1-9) inhibits cardiomyocyte hypertrophy via the mas or angiotensin Type 2 receptor

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    The counter-regulatory axis of the renin angiotensin system peptide angiotensin-(1-7) [Ang-(1-7)] has been identified as a potential therapeutic target in cardiac remodelling, acting via the mas receptor. Furthermore, we recently reported that an alternative peptide, Ang-(1-9) also counteracts cardiac remodelling via the angiotensin type 2 receptor (AT(2)R). Here, we have engineered adenoviral vectors expressing fusion proteins which release Ang-(1-7) [RAdAng-(1-7)] or Ang-(1-9) [RAdAng-(1-9)] and compared their effects on cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in rat H9c2 cardiomyocytes or primary adult rabbit cardiomyocytes, stimulated with angiotensin II, isoproterenol or arg-vasopressin. RAdAng-(1-7) and RAdAng-(1-9) efficiently transduced cardiomyocytes, expressed fusion proteins and secreted peptides, as demonstrated by western immunoblotting and conditioned media assays. Furthermore, secreted Ang-(1-7) and Ang-(1-9) inhibited cardiomyocyte hypertrophy (Control = 168.7±8.4 µm; AngII = 232.1±10.7 µm; AngII+RAdAng-(1-7) = 186±9.1 µm, RAdAng-(1-9) = 180.5±9 µm; P<0.05) and these effects were selectively reversed by inhibitors of their cognate receptors, the mas antagonist A779 for RAdAng-(1-7) and the AT(2)R antagonist PD123,319 for RAdAng-(1-9). Thus gene transfer of Ang-(1-7) and Ang-(1-9) produces receptor-specific effects equivalent to those observed with addition of exogenous peptides. These data highlight that Ang-(1-7) and Ang-(1-9) can be expressed via gene transfer and inhibit cardiomyocyte hypertrophy via their respective receptors. This supports applications for this approach for sustained peptide delivery to study molecular effects and potential gene therapeutic actions

    HADAS: Asistente de eco-eficiencia con repositorio de consumo energético

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    El interés por la Ingeniería del Software "verde", o sea, sensible al consumo de energía, es relativamente reciente. Su objetivo es concienciar a los desarrolladores de software de la influencia que tienen sus decisiones de diseño e implementación en el gasto energético del producto final. Hasta el momento se han publicado muchos resultados experimentales que comparan el consumo de energía de varias soluciones alternativas, y que demuestran que se puede reducir dicho consumo hasta en un 70 %. Aunque estos resultados sean de libre disposición, no es sencillo que un desarrollador aplique este conocimiento a sus aplicaciones. En consecuencia, en este artículo presentamos el eco-asistente HADAS cuya utilidad es: (i) los investigadores almacenarán sus resultados en un repositorio de libre disposición; (ii) los desarrolladores podrán razonar y obtener las configuraciones que menos energía consuman y que satisfaga sus requisitos. Nos centraremos en mostrar los elementos principales de nuestra propuesta y como se aplica a casos de estudio reales.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyectos MAGIC P12-TIC1814 y HADAS TIN2015-64841-

    Organización curricular de los procesos creativos en la educacion artistica. Propuesta para el cambio educativo: “hilando vida a traves del arte”

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    Avaliação auditiva em crianças e adolescentes com Hipotireoidismo congênito

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    Orientadora: Profª. Drª. Suzana Nesi FrançaCo-orientador: Prof. Dr. Rogério HamerschmidtDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde da Criança e do Adolescente. Defesa: Curitiba, 10/12/2012Bibliografia: fls. 64-71Resumo: Os hormônios tireoidianos (HT) são essenciais para o desenvolvimento e crescimento da criança. A ausência ou diminuição destes hormônios ao nascimento, denominada hipotireoidismo congênito (HC), pode causar danos irreversíveis ao sistema nervoso central (SNC). Quanto ao sistema auditivo, o HC não tratado pode causar alterações na maturação das estruturas da orelha interna e na mielinização do VIII par craniano. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a audição de um grupo de crianças e adolescentes com HC acompanhadas na Unidade de Endocrinologia Pediátrica. A amostra foi constituída por 50 pacientes (grupo de estudo) portadores de HC com média de idade de 9,2 ± 2,2 anos (variando de 6,0 a 15,0) e 28 crianças não afetadas (grupo de controle) com média de idade de 6,8 ± 2,2 anos (variando de 4,3 a 12,3). O protocolo de estudo incluiu: entrevista com os pais, coleta de dados do prontuário médico (idade de início do tratamento, valor de T4 pré-tratamento, etiologia do HC, renda familiar e escolaridade dos pais), otoscopia, audiometria tonal e vocal, imitanciometria, e potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico (PEATE). A mediana de idade de início do tratamento foi 19,0 dias, variando de 8,0 a 80,0. Em 52,6% das famílias a renda per capita no início do tratamento era inferior a meio salário mínimo e em 2,6% a renda era superior a dois salários mínimos. Na entrevista, 8 (16,0%) pais mencionaram alguma queixa em relação à audição, 12 (24,0%) referiram dificuldade ou atraso escolar, e 10 (20,0%) informaram que o filho já havia repetido de ano uma ou mais vezes. Na audiometria tonal um paciente portador de HC tratado desde os 19 dias de vida apresentou perda auditiva neurossensorial com configuração descendente na orelha esquerda e limiares auditivos normais na orelha direita. Os demais exames auditivos estiveram dentro dos padrões de normalidade bilateralmente. Na investigação etiológica do HC o teste de perclorato evidenciou defeito parcial de organificação do iodo. Nenhum paciente apresentou alteração na imitanciometria. No que se refere ao PEATE não houve diferença significativa entre o grupo de estudo e o grupo de controle (p > 0,05). Vinte (40,0%) dos pacientes foram encaminhados e/ou orientados à continuidade do tratamento fonoaudiológico e/ou otorrinolaringológico em curso. Houve maior probabilidade de pacientes com HC mais grave serem encaminhados para tratamento fonoaudiológico e/ou otorrinolaringológico (p = 0,04). Com níveis de T4 iniciais menores que 6?g/dL, observou-se maior probabilidade de encaminhamento para tratamento fonoaudiológico e otorrinolaringológico, atingindo 50% com T4 inicial próximo de 0?g/dL. Esse estudo não evidenciou relação direta entre HC em crianças e adolescentes e perda auditiva. No entanto, a possibilidade de comprometimento da percepção auditiva desses pacientes não pode ser excluída, já que os exames utilizados não definem a capacidade funcional do sistema auditivo e nem justificam as queixas auditivas e escolares relatadas pelos pais.Abstract: Thyroid hormones are essential for development and growth of the child and their absence or reduction, characterized as congenital hypothyroidism (CH), can cause irreversible damage to the central nervous system. In the auditory system the untreated CH can cause changes in the maturation of the inner ear and myelination of the eighth cranial nerve. The aim of this study was to evaluate the hearing of children and adolescents with CH followed at the Pediatric Endocrinology Unit. The sample consisted of 50 patients (study group) with CH with a mean age of 9.2 ± 2.2 years (range 6.0 to 15.0) and 28 unaffected children (control group) with an average age of 6.8 ± 2.2 years (range 4.3 to 12.3 years). Study protocol included otoscopy, audiometry, tympanometry and auditory evoked cortical potential (AECP) beyond the interview and data collected from medical records (age at onset of treatment, disease severity, CH etiology, family income and parental education). Median age at onset of treatment was 19.0 days, ranging from 8.0 to 80.0. In 52.6% of families, per capita income at beginning of treatment was less than half minimum wage per capita, and in 2.6% was greater than two. In the interview 8 (16.0%) of parents mentioned any complaints about hearing and 12 (24.0%) reported difficulty or delay in schooling associated with 10 (20.0%) who had repeated one year or more. In tonal audiometry one patient had sensorineural hearing loss and descending configuration in the left ear and normal hearing in the right ear. Additional hearing tests were normal bilaterally. Prior to the hearing test, this patient had been submitted to perchlorate discharge test that showed partial iodide organification defect. In the impedance, no abnormality was observed in any patient. AECP was not significantly different between the study group and the control group (p < 0.05). Twenty (40.0%) patients were referred and/or directed to the continuity of speech and audiology therapy or otorhinolaryngological treatment, with a higher probability of patients with more severe CH to be referred for therapy (p = 0.04). With initial T4 values below 6?g/dL there was an increasing in the likelihood of referral to otorhinolaryngology and speech and audiology therapy, reaching 50% when the initial T4 was close to 0?g/dL. This study showed no direct relationship between CH in children and adolescents and hearing loss. However, the possibility of impairment in auditory perception in these patients is not excluded, since the tests used do not define the functional capacity of the auditory system nor warrant hearing and learning complaints reported by parents

    The London Baedeker for the Darwin enthusiast

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    Abstract Public interest in Charles Darwin and in scientific climate of the Victorian era continues to grow. Darwin hobbyists are visiting sites around the world relevant to the life of Charles Darwin: The Galápagos Islands, Tierra del Fuego, Scotland and, of course, his native England. But as even as the number of Darwin enthusiasts continues to swell, there are few handbooks available to guide visitors through sites relevant to his life. Here I describe my experiences traveling through London in search of the sites relevant to Darwin&apos;s life. I give a general review of each historic site and describe what travelers might expect to find. I also offer some background history to each of the locations, and describe how each site relates to Darwin and his works

    Investigating the role of Angiotensin 1-9 in cardiomyocytes hypertrophy

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    The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) regulates blood pressure, and homeostasis through angiotensin II (AngII). Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a homologue of ACE, metabolizes AngII to Ang1-7. Ang1-7 antagonizes AngII via the receptor MAS. ACE2 also converts AngI to Ang1-9. Very little is known about Ang1-9 although it is thought to be a substrate for Ang1-7 generation via ACE. We investigated Ang1-9 and Ang1-7 function in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in rat neonatal and primary adult rabbit left ventricular cardiomyocytes. We have shown that Ang1-7 and Ang1-9 blocked AngII-induced hypertrophy. Furthermore, we demonstrated an independent role of Ang1-9 in cardiac hypertrophy and generated evidence that Ang1-9 signals via the angiotensin type 2 receptor. In vivo we delivered Ang1-9 via osmotic minipumps for 4 weeks into stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Delivery of Ang1-9 reduced cardiac fibrosis and improved endothelial function compared to control animals. These findings have implications for our understanding of RAS function